July was sizzling for Kitsilano.ca


Thanks to the hard work of our newest contributor Taraneh, July 2011 was our best month EVER.

Kitsilano.ca had 22,032 visits during the month accounting for 36,223 pageviews – that’s up 34% from July 2010.

Content was plentiful thanks to the Khatsahlano Music + Art Street Festival and Kits fans were reading. Here are the five most popular posts during the month of July:

1) Street Music Festival Replaces Hippie Days – June 21st – by Andrea

2) Everything you need to know about Khatsahlano! – July 20th – by Taraneh

3) Canadian Cancer Society says “Tanning is Out” – July 17th – by Taraneh

4) Volleyball BC’s 2011 Vancouver OPEN at Kits Beach – July 6th – by Rob

5) Join the “Vancouver Bust Out” at KHATSAHLANO! – July 12th – by Taraneh

Be sure to get in touch if you’re interested in writing for Kitsilano.ca.

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Last modified: August 3, 2011

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