’s Top 5 Blog Posts for October 2008


October 2008 is history and so is Malone’s. It’s the morning after their big Farewell Party, the demolition crews have begun and the place is looking better than ever.

The top five blog posts for October based on pageviews were as follows:

  1. Jackson’s Thriller comes to Watermark
  2. Malone’s Going out with a Bang
  3. Fatality at Cornwall and Arbutus
  4. Only 3 September House Sales in Kits
  5. Transylvania Flavour

Last modified: November 2, 2008

One Response to "’s Top 5 Blog Posts for October 2008 "

  1. Woo hoo! Thrill the World Vancouver takes first place in October. Well done Graham and the Ceroc SFU team for all their hard work, and for raising $1400 for the Food Bank. And many thanks to for promoting the event!