Maritime Museum not going down without a fight


A reprieve may be in the works for the Vancouver Maritime Museum. Marsha Lederman of the Globe and Mail reported today that officials at the Kitsilano landmark now believe they will be able to keep the doors open beyond 2009, despite earlier reports that the city wanted to shut it down.

While nothing is official, the president of the Vancouver Maritime Museum Society says he is now “very confident” an arrangement can be worked out to keep the museum open longer. “That’s what we’re expecting,” Hector Williams said yesterday. “What we’re starting now is a series of negotiations with city officials about exactly what the timetable will be.”

Museum officials were upset earlier this spring when they received a letter from the city, outlining a plan that would have seen the museum close its doors to the public at the end of 2009, giving staff a year to organize a shutdown by the end of 2010. Museum officials say it makes more sense to hold off until the fate of the National Maritime Centre planned for North Vancouver is determined.

The Kits Point Residents Association may have something to say about this.

Last modified: June 7, 2008

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