Maritime Museum to sail off to North Van


The Maritime Museum’s days are numbered on Kits Point. According to the CBC, there are plans to move the Maritime Museum from Kits Point to a new site on the North Vancouver waterfront. The City of North Vancouver has already donated the land for a new national maritime centre at the historic shipbuilders yard at the foot of Lonsdale Avenue.

We’ve got the Kits Point Residents Association to blame for this – they have been protesting tour & school buses in their neighbourhood for years. Touring the St. Roch was the best damn field trip I’ve ever been on and its a shame Kitsilano will be losing it.

Last modified: June 7, 2008

One Response to " Maritime Museum to sail off to North Van "

  1. Bill says:

    I blame the Kits point res assoc as well…what a bunch of a-holes. I’ll make sure my next Harley ride includes 20 minutes of reving the shit out of my engine along the quiet streets of Kits Point.