Kits Pool opens May 21st but here is what it looked like in 1937


Kits Pool – Canada’s longest pool – opens this year on May 21st.

In honor of Vancouver’s 125th birthday this year, let’s have a look at it from back in 1937.

Kits Pool circa 1937

Kits Pool circa 1940-1948

Last modified: April 15, 2011

2 Responses to " Kits Pool opens May 21st but here is what it looked like in 1937 "

  1. Charles Sayle says:

    I lived at 1st & Balsam from 1938 to 1955 and spent summers at the beach so I could be in the picture. The Bert Emery Stage was built in 1946 so the pic had to be before 1948.
    Thanks for showing the pic

  2. Bill Barilko says:

    Cool pics!

    Thanks for posting!