Equipment from Bankrupt Kitsilano Workout goes up for auction next week


Did you have a favorite piece of workout equipment at Kitsilano Workout on West 4th Avenue? Now is your chance to be reunited with it.

Kitsilano Workout – circa 2010

Able Auctions will be blowing out the entire contents of the popular gym on Wednesday, April 13th. The list of gym and fitness equipment available to the highest bidder includes:

  • 2 Freemotion Epic Incline Trainers
  • 15 Keiser Spinning Bikes
  • 10 Woodway Desmo Evo Ergonomic Treadmills
  • 5 Life Fitness 9500HR Elipticals
  • 6 Stairmaster 4600CL Free Climber Step Machines
  • 400 Maple Front Gym Lockers
  • 4 Sony 46″ LCD Digital Televisions

Last modified: November 4, 2013

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