Mexican out, Middle Eastern in



Photo from Wikipedia by Eaeeae

During our time in Kits (coming up on 4 years now), 3143 West Broadway has been home to two different Mexican concepts.

First there was Churrolicious, who tried to move Vancouverites away from timbits to a different kind of sugary fried dough. Despite this obvious recipe for success, Churrolicious became the victim of a vicious churro war. And unfortunately for churro lovers, the winner of that war soon fell victim to their own scorched earth strategy.

In Churrolicious’ place came the second location of Taco Shack, ex-Lions’ Daved Benefield’s interpretation of Cali-Mex. Although I always assumed Taco Shack was doing well on Cornwall, they have now closed their West Broadway doors. I recently came across a twitter feed that seems to suggest that Vera’s and Taco Shack are now actually run by the same people. This would make some sense, as both were started by ex-Lions’ players:

thanks everyone for voting vera’s and the taco shack 1st place westender, and georgia straight for burgers, 3rd for mexican in west ender

Anyway, an incredibly long introduction to the real news: a donair place has now opened up at 3143 West Broadway (@ Balaclava). Al Basha looks unassuming and offers a variety of donairs. My wife recently had a chicken donair and thought it was pretty good. It’s certainly exciting news for us Dutch ex-pats, as shawarma and donair are the post-drinking food of choice for us low-landers.

Last modified: March 25, 2009

4 Responses to " Mexican out, Middle Eastern in "

  1. David Grant says:

    Ah, finally donair in my neighborhood. Can’t wait to try it out.

  2. ariane c says:

    Excellent! Will have to pass on to my Dutch husband, who had at least a few shwarma in his time in NL…(AT LEAST!)

    Ariane C

  3. Bill Barilko says:

    The owner/operator is often seen standing in front of the place smoking heavily, a definite turn off but I suppose he washes his hands after smoking.

    I did have a Falafel there once the price was right the meal unremarkable.

  4. Bill Burilko says:

    I haven’t been there but if this is the place I think it is the owner doesn’t smoke and it’s the best Chicken Shwerma wraps in town. Always wonder what the competition says about others, as if he would smoke out front lol….