Punk legend dies in Safeway parking lot


Today, the Georgia Straight shed some light on the tragic accident at Safeway last week:

Youngcanadians The Vancouver music scene lost one of its pioneering fathers on August 31, as bassist Jim Bescott, 52, died in a Kitsilano parking-lot accident. In the late ’70s and early ’80s, Bescott was a founding member of the Young Canadians, a legendary local trio fronted by Art Bergmann. His run with the band, which included two classic EPs and a single, established him as one of the most talented bassists to emerge from Vancouver’s fertile first-wave punk scene. He also cowrote some of the group’s best-loved songs, including “No Escape” and “Automan”. Bescott died when he was backed over by a semi-tractor trailer. According to Vancouver police department spokesman Tim Fanning, the accident is still under investigation.

There will be an 11 a.m. funeral service for Bescott this Friday (September 9) at Saint Augustine’s Church, 2028 West 7th Avenue. A wake will follow the next day on Saturday (September 10) at the Railway Club from 4 to 7 p.m.

Rest in Peace Jim.

Last modified: September 8, 2005

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