Vegetarian in Kitsilano?


There is more to Kitsilano that the Naam for vegetarians – at least according to Matthew Burrows of the Georgia Straight.

If you’re in Kits, don’t forget the best vegetarian Indian cuisine around (for the price), at Indian Oven. We’re back over the $10 mark here in a big way, but you can’t argue with the quality. You also get 10 percent off for picking up. Indian Oven serves up standard North Indian cuisine, which is no longer rare in the city, but they do it well. There is a separate vegetarian dish that is pretty deep and is anchored by the best palak paneer (fresh broccoli and spinach in curd cheese) tasted so far. For two expect to spend $25, throwing in roti and matar paneer (both dishes $9.95).

I love it when local newspapers feed me content – it makes coming up with fresh posts easy when blogger’s block sets in. I only wish it could help Mikey. We haven’t heard from him since January 22nd. Mikey? Are you out there??

Indian Oven on Urbanspoon

Last modified: June 28, 2008

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