Bishop’s still the King of Kitsilano


Twenty years ago a high-school friend’s parents took us to a restaurant on West 4th called Bishop’s.  Just getting there was a big deal as we had to cross two bridges . The restaurant was certainly not what this teenager was used to – the food was exotic and the service was over the top.

John Bishop is still at it and it didn’t surprise me to see him acknowleged in the Georgia Straight‘s Golden Plate Awards issue for his continued dedication to restaurant excellence. If you’ve eaten at Bishop’s, you’ll likely agree that owner John Bishop is Vancouver’s consummate restaurateur. Service is seamless, unobtrusive, and embodied in every breath and motion. That pretty much sums it up – nothing has changed other than the fact that I now know which fork to use.

Bishop's on Urbanspoon

Last modified: May 16, 2008

One Response to " Bishop’s still the King of Kitsilano "

  1. Curious says:

    I have eaten at Bishops 3 times. I will never go back. The first time the service was weird and horrible and the food was bland. The second time the service was snobby and the food was so so. The third time the service was fine but the food still did not thrill.

    I will take West any day over Bishops. I fail to understand why people keep pretending that Bishops is something it is not.