Rob Feenie kicks ass on Iron Chef!


Rob Feenie, our local celebrity chef, has rocked the cooking world by humiliating Masaharu Morimoto in an epic battle this past Sunday on Iron Chef America.

Want to experience Rob’s winning flavors, head to West Broadway and check out his restaurants, Lumiere and Feenie’s. Sit at the bar at Feenie’s and order a burger, fries, and a beer – it will be about the same price as the same combo at a Canucks game at GM Place, but you’ll be lining Feenie’s pockets instead of the greedy NHL owners and players!

Looking to kill some time at work today – check out the Iron Chef America game online and report back your best score in the comments.

Last modified: June 2, 2008

One Response to " Rob Feenie kicks ass on Iron Chef! "

  1. S. Morris Rose says:

    In other news, RIM stock is on its way up, up, up!