Everything You Need to Know about Greek Day on Broadway 2014



Opa! Greek Day on Broadway, the free annual celebration of Kitsilano’s Greek community, returns June 22, 2014. Over 100,000 festival goers arrive in Kits to party on Broadway between MacDonald and Blenheim. With live music, dancing, cooking demos, tasty food for sale, crafts, cultural activities and a kids’ zone, there’s something for everyone at Greek Day. Here’s what you need to know:

Everything You Need to Know about Greek Day on Broadway 2014

When: June 22, 2014 from 11am to 9pm.

Where: Kitsilano neighbourhood on Broadway between MacDonald and Blenheim. Street closes to through traffic.

Cost: Free — except food for sale.

Why: Kitsilano is the historic  home of Vancouver’s Greek immigrant community.

What: Live music, dancing, craft market, food fair, cooking demos and cultural activities.

I want to know more about food: Souvlaki, spanakopita, honeyed loukemedes, gyros, tzatziki, moussaka and more made fresh by the talented folks at Nu Greek, Nuba, Gio and Didi’d Greek Food Cart, to name a few.

Will beer and wine be on offer? Yes.

Is it all about food or are we digging deeper? The food may be the initial draw, but the Hellenic Experience Tent, with various activities and presentations showcasing Hellenic culture, Greek tourism, and Greeks in Vancouver, has more information if you want to learn more about Kitsilano’s Greek community. Also, check out the other Greek Heritage Month activities ranging from wine tasting to literary events, throughout June.

What about my kids? The festival does an awesome job of including kids with a Kids Zone featuring arts and crafts, growing a kid’s herb garden, soccer, bouncy rides, face painting, balloons, plus much more.

Where can I get a map? Here.


Last modified: June 10, 2014

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