Food Porn: Lucky’s Tiramisu Doughnut


Image: Tiramisu bismarck at Lucky's

Image: Tiramisu bismarck at Lucky’s

This post is about the tiramisu bismarck at Lucky’s Doughnuts. We’d rather be having the tiramisu doughnut for breakfast right now than our usual porridge. Why? Because it’s a light-as-air yeast doughnut topped with fluffy mascarpone and dusted with cocoa powder; it might ascend were it not anchored down by the sinfully pleasurable goop known as coffee pastry cream. In contrast, our porridge is grey gruel – tedious, fibrous fuel – sweetened only by mouth-puckering out-of-season berries.

But how to justify buying one on a Tuesday, not even a weekend splurge day? Maybe if we bought a box of them, we could give them to a friend or colleague who would surely invite us to share one over a coffee. Better still, we could organize our next interview at Lucky’s and order one … to share, of course. OR: we could write a very short blog post about the tiramisu bismarck. Because if we did that, everyone at would have to try one. It would be a blogger duty.


Lucky’s Doughnuts, 2198 West 4th Avenue, 604.420.4901,

Last modified: April 7, 2014

One Response to " Food Porn: Lucky’s Tiramisu Doughnut "

  1. Jane Burton says:

    That is SO naughty…thanks for sharing Taraneh hehe.