Neverland Tea Salon to Open at 3066 West Broadway this September


SetWidth300-elegant-teacupIs it just me or is tea the new coffee? Following on the heels O5‘s success, the  tea trend in Kits is still growing. Neverland Tea Salon is opening in September.

The whimsical new tea salon will take over the former Uprising Breads space at 3066 West Broadway.This is a huge space and it will be interesting to see if Neverland succeeds in making it inviting. With a focus on afternoon high tea, they will also face challenges in competing with the established Kitsilano business Nottes Bon Ton, located just down the street at 3150 West Broadway.

With a cool features including specializing in kids’ birthday parties, as well as artist talks for adults, I hope the tea salon finds success and longevity in our neighbourhood.

Neverland Tea Salon, 3066 West Broadway,

Last modified: August 16, 2013

One Response to " Neverland Tea Salon to Open at 3066 West Broadway this September "

  1. We have set our opening date for this friday September 20th! Very excited to join the neighbourhood! Come by and see what we’ve done with the place!