Get Inspired to Build Community at Khatsahlano! Festival–Free Herbs, Bee Houses & Little Free Libraries


Come and pick the herbs. Herb digging "by appointment"

Come and pick the herbs. Herb digging “by appointment”

Several Kits residents who have received Neighbourhood Small Grants will be at the Kits Eco-Arts booth during Khatsahlano Art and Music Festival, July 13 11am-6pm to share their enthusiasm for our neighbourhood. Stop by 4th and Trafalgarlearn about how to get involved and build community. The projects focus on art, community, and environment.

Schedule of featured projects at Khatsahlano! Art and Music Festival:

11am-2pm – Bird on the Beach Project with Vancouver Maritime Museum

Kits Eco-Arts and Vancouver Maritime Museum will share information about the effects of plastic pollution on sea-birds. See  examples of birds made from recycled plastic and contribute to the creation of a large bird art installation which will float in Heritage Harbour in September.

1pm-2pm – Micro Greens with Doris Anderson.

2pm-3pm – Mushroom Growing with Michael Millar.

2pm-4pm – Green Streets Gardeners: Herbs, Veggies, Micro-Greens, etc. The RoundAbout Kits group have helped gardeners make “friendly signs”, share plants and expertise. Check out the map-in-progress for the WalkAbout Kits event for August 25. Register here. Learn about the Green Streets program – how volunteers tend traffic circle, corner bulge and boulevard gardens. (2-3pm: Your host: Gabriel of the Love Circle at 14th and Vine and corner bulges at 14th and Yew.)

3pm-5pm -Sandra and Bettina of Vancouver Sew-Op will be at the booth to talk about their project this  sewing collective dedicated to refurbishing old sewing equipment, reusing fabrics, and offering sewing lessons to community members free of charge.

4pm-5pm – Bees, Bees, Bees – Several groups have received grants to support bee-keeping; mason bee habitat and workshops on bees. You can learn how to make a mason bee house and plant the kinds of plants that attract and support them.

5-6pm – Community Sharing: Little Free Libraries – book exchange and information. At least three groups are planning a “Little Free Library” within the neighborhood. Bring a recommended book for an on-site book swap and see photos with examples of Little Free Libraries. Give your input of what you’d like to see in our neighbourhood. We’ll also host an art giveaway inspired by Papergirl.

Thanks to Vancouver Foundation and the City of Vancouver for funding and to Kitsilano Neighbourhood House for administering the grant..

Organized by Kits Eco-Arts


Date: Saturday, July 13, 11am-6pm.

Next deadline for Neighbourhood Small Grants: March 31, 2014.

Last modified: July 15, 2013

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