Summer Preview: Searching For The Perfect Warm-Weather Cocktail In Kits


Spiced Kits Beach at Elwoods

Spiced Kits Beach at Elwoods

On a recent afternoon in Kitsilano, with the beach in sight and the sun shining bright, I decided to hunt for a quintessential Kitsilano summer drink. Summer isn’t really that far away; it’s best to be prepared. My idea was simple: grab a bar stool and ask for a refreshing drink. Kitsilano makes responsible enjoyment easy, all I needed was a comfy pair of kicks and I was off on a walking tour of watering holes. Here’s a taste of what I found!

Best Ode to the Beach:  Spiced Kits Beach at Elwoods

Kudos to Elwoods for making my order easy – this concoction of Spicebox Canadian Whiskey, pineapple & cranberry juice is a fitting homage to our beach. This tasty mix leaves a tangy zip on your lips after each sip. Spicebox received a 93 point tasting (out of a possible 100) which means you’re not wasting your sunny day with anything but the best. Delish.

 Elwoods Restaurant Kitsilano: 3145 W Broadway 604-736-4301

Best Classic: the Caesar at Local Public Eatery

Caesar at Local

Caesar at Local

When the bartender insisted the Local’s signature Caesars are the best – he wasn’t lying. As someone who once bought a jar of olives off a bartender for a midnight nibble (not that long ago a very long time ago), garnishes really win me over. This Caesar passes my test with flying colours – served in a glass boot with a generous pepperoni-olive-asparagus accompaniment. With clear sinuses thanks to my extra-spicy request, I know this Caesar’s a-boot to become my go-to drink (see what I did there).

Local Public Eatery: 2210 Cornwall Ave 604-734-3589



Watermelon & Strawberry Mojito at The Boathouse

Best Taste of Summer:  Fresh Watermelon & Strawberry Mojito at The Boathouse

The Boathouse certainly has the “great view” thing down pat. While everyone on the sand is jockeying for position on their chosen beach log, the Boathouse offers the benefits of the beach without risking sand in your socks. Many thanks to Greg for whipping up a personalized sunny cocktail just for me – fresh watermelon and strawberries (emphasis on the word fresh), mint, lime, rum & a splash of soda water. Summer, come quick!

The Boathouse: 1305 Arbutus St 604-738-KITS (5487) 


Best History Lesson: Like Them Apples at Bimini


Like Them Apples at The Bimini

I won’t lie, I picked this drink from Bimini’s chalkboard menu strictly because of my favorite scene from Good Will Hunting using the same “like them apples” line (which I won’t link here, the language is questionable). This icy-cold drink with fresh grapes, lemon juice, Absolut Grapevine and draught cider quenched my thirst before I even took a first sip. I got a Bimini history lesson while I waited, too: Greenpeace met here in their early days, they were given BC’s first neighbourhood pub license, and re-opened in 2011 after fire gutted it. Kitsilano history plus a tasty drink? I definitely like those apples.

The Bimini Public House: 2010 W 4th Ave

I’m going to continue my mission to find Kitsilano summer drinks. What are your favourites? 

Last modified: June 30, 2021

2 Responses to " Summer Preview: Searching For The Perfect Warm-Weather Cocktail In Kits "

  1. julia says:

    Local also does a delicious sweet and salty margarita also served in the boot, best enjoyed with their fish tacos or nachos. It usually means the start to a great night most often finished with beers, wine or whatever is kicking around in my apartment enjoyed on a blanket at the beach.

  2. Chelsea says:

    Thanks for the tip Julia (and thanks for reading)! Nothing better than a cool margarita on a warm day. Will be sure to try it soon 🙂