David Eby Campaign Office Hosts Grand Opening in Kitsilano – Sunday, March 24


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The race between David Eby and Premier Christy Clark in the Kitsilano/Point Grey riding has brought about more speculation and dialogue than I have experienced in B.C. politics in some time. Personally, I am just pleased to see so many young voters becoming engaged and entering the civic dialogue.

David Eby invites the community to join him on Sunday, March 24from 1:00 – 3:00pm in the old Transylvania/Coco Olive space (3476 West Broadway) for their campaign office grand opening. Chat with David and your neighbours and discuss his vision for our neighbourhood. Even if you have already decided you are voting Liberal, I suggest you grab a slice of free cake.

David Eby NDP Campaign Office, 3476 West Broadway, Davideby.bcndp.ca/

Last modified: March 23, 2013

5 Responses to " David Eby Campaign Office Hosts Grand Opening in Kitsilano – Sunday, March 24 "

  1. sully says:

    This is the first I’ve heard that he is running and the election is coming up fast. I’m not a fan of the BC Liberals but I also know what the NDP has done to this province in the past. My bone to pick with the new version of the NDP is that they’ve been too quiet as of late. The BC Liberals are imploding by their own making and if they had a brain they’d postpone the election until they get their affairs in order (new leadership).

    However, the 36,696 names attached to the petition to save bc film shows what a huge film population we have in the lower mainland and even in Kits. It’s big business for the BC economy and both sides have been mute on this issue. We are asking to match Ontario’s tax incentive program that will grow our own economy ten fold and Christy Clark has made it clear that she is more interested in helping out Corporate Alberta by selling us down the river then helping home grown BC families earn a living in a green industry that spreads wealth across BC.


  2. ex-kitsie says:

    I get the NDP orange, but really, IKEA blue to set it off? Very poor choice of colours.

  3. Greenie says:

    Nice use of Tory blue. šŸ˜‰

  4. John R Taylor says:

    Being in the film biz, I hosted a meeting between some film-making colleagues and David Eby a couple of weeks ago. He’s now one of the most versed candidates on the threat to BC Film. He listened intently to the points we raised…instead of the dismissal we get from Christy that we’re seeking ‘support from BC taxpayers’. No, we’re just seeking a level playing field with other jurisdictions – for a 1.4 billion dollar industry that BC can not afford to lose.
    We came away from that meeting feeling that David sees the wide-screen picture here.
    And I believe he’s a candidate with the ability to see the big picture everywhere.
    Drop in to the campaign office for today’s launch party if you possible can.

  5. John R Taylor says:

    Note to ex-kitsie and Greenie:
    That blue in the lettering and that orange in the backdrop are actually the official NDP colours for this campaign.