Woman with trowel: A slow start


Galanthus elwesii 'Rosemary Burnham'. Image credit: M. Brehaut

Galanthus elwesii ‘Rosemary Burnham’. Image credit: M. Brehaut

It’s a quiet time of year for this gardener – while the weather is mild, possibly promising an early spring, and the snowdrops are starting to bloom, I remain a bit detached from my garden. I know I will be drawn in soon, but not quite yet. Thankfully, there are a few things to look forward to…

The Vancouver Hardy Plant Group is having its Spring Study Day on Saturday, Feb 16, holding it at the H.R. Macmillan Space Centre. The talks will get me charged up for another year of growing. Chris Beardshaw will be speaking this time, including discussion of his 2012 win at the Chelsea Flower Show. Non-members are welcome, so if you are interested, please check out their website for details. The study day in the fall was well organized with great speakers. I enjoyed the day. And their break treats are the best!

Another thing that I look forward to this year is the construction of my new greenhouse. My husband has been in the planning stages for a goodly while now and I am promised action soon. We have no experience with greenhouses or with building them so if you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate a comment. I expect it to be an adventure…

Galanthus 'Lady Beatrix Stanley'. Photo credit: M. Brehaut

Galanthus ‘Lady Beatrix Stanley’. Photo credit: M. Brehaut

Did you know that during the growing season, Vancouver master gardeners have clinics at the local nurseries? These clinics are a great opportunity to get your gardening questions answered. While you can always call their plant line, or send them an email, for those who prefer to speak to someone in person, we will be there, happy to have a go. As a master gardener, I look forward to these clinics. I find the other master gardeners who I meet at the clinics to be invariably well informed. And it’s great fun to help others find their way into the joys of gardening. The Kits clinic sites include David Hunter on Broadway and the Farmer’s market on Larch. The MGABC website has the complete list and scheduled times.

So it will come, the desire to get out there and get busy. I might just pop out now for a minute and see what the snowdrops are doing.

Last modified: February 7, 2013

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