Kitsilano Secondary part of the Most Confusing Court-Storming Ever


This past weekend Kitsilano Secondary lost to St. George’s 58-57  in a buzzer-beater and a home video of the conclusion of the game is making the rounds online.

Fast forward to the 2:14 mark below and you’ll see where things get confusing. Kitsilano fans thought the shot shouldn’t have counted and jumped on to the floor to celebrate just as enthusiastically at St. George’s supporters. Both groups of fans converge is a joyous mass at mid-court until Kitsilano fans figure out that St. George’s definitely won. Check it out.

Last modified: March 7, 2012

One Response to " Kitsilano Secondary part of the Most Confusing Court-Storming Ever "

  1. Bill says:

    They score more points than our Grizzlies did on some nights.