Yummy Yards’ urban farming means hyper-local produce for Kits


I recently met Emi Do and Mark Seiling (pictured right), the two youthful urban farmers behind Yummy Yards, at a Kits House potluck dinner about food security. They had dirt under their fingernails and a lot of pluck when it came to discussing local food. It turns out they’ve been growing veg and leafy greens out of eight neighbourhood yards located mostly in Dunbar/Southlands.

They just emailed me to let me know that Yummy Yards has an abundance of  crops that they’d like to share, but it’s challenging to get the word out. Yummy Yards is all about Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)–a global movement that connects consumers with food producers. I thought I’d facilitate some connecting.

CSA members pay a fee at the beginning of the season and receive baskets of produce weekly now through fall, as the crops ripen. If you want to connect with these producers and buy hyper-locally produced food—only your back garden or the free herbs at the traffic circle at Sixth and Trafalgar could be closer—Yummy Yards offers two CSA streams.


The regular CSA stream is $25 a week and comes with a share of whatever produce is ready for picking, like squash, greens, carrots, beets, celeriac, herbs, kohlrabi, beans. They’ve also got a new Eat More Greens CSA stream–$15/week for for the remainder of the growing season, August 30-October 25. You can pick up your share of fresh, pesticide-free, locally grown greens every Tuesday from from Southlands Heritage Farm located at 51st and Balaclava.

CSA basket of locally-grown produce from Yummy Yards, available for pick up every Tuesday from from Southlands Heritage Farm at 51st and Balaclava.

Interested folk can contact Emi at emi@yummyyards.ca or 778-828-6353.  If you’re curious to hear more about local attempts at urban farming or where to find them at farmers markets, check out YummyYards.ca.

Last modified: September 5, 2011

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