Coronation Street comes to the Kings Head


February 5th, 2011 saw the Kings Head Tavern in Kitsilano turn into a haven for Coronation Street fans. Knowing there was a large contingency of Corrie fans in Vancouver,  the Team 1040’s Joe Leary and I decided it would be fun to host a gathering for fans to chat, gossip and share a few laughs over this long running UK soap opera.

Neither us nor the host pub expected the turnout that showed up. The tavern was already at its seating capacity an hour before the Ping was even scheduled to begin!  With house specials of Betty’s Hot Pot, Fish ‘n Chips and Bangers and Mash, the food and pints flowed.  Festivities began with the introduction of the guest speaker, Robert Lawrenson, former Coronation Street cast member. Rob entertained the guests with stories from the Street, answered questions from fans and showed a montage of some of his scenes from the show. He even let us have a sneak peek at the new credit openings of the show! This was followed by a challenging trivia contest, prizes and door prizes. As well, everyone received a souvenir photo signed by the entire cast of Coronation Street.

With the first Ping being such a success, it only makes sense to keep the fans happy and have another event. Our next Ping takes place on Saturday May 14th, once again at the Kings Head Tavern at 1618 Yew Street.

To make this easier for the venue and to avoid disappointing any latecomers, tickets can be purchased in advance. Price is $15 and includes your choice of Betty’s Hot Pot or Fish ‘n Chips as well as a pint or non-alcoholic beverage of your choice. Tickets can be purchased online at or directly from the Kings Head.

Once again hosted by Joe Leary of Team 1040, the Ping will be held from noon – 2:00 with doors opening at 11:00 for those wishing to arrive early.  Preferential seating will be given to those with pre-purchased tickets.  We have some wonderful prizes, game ideas and door prizes that will be given away as well as another trivia contest, so be sure to study up on your Corrie trivia.

Last modified: May 12, 2011

2 Responses to " Coronation Street comes to the Kings Head "

  1. Dan says:

    Erm, what is a ‘ping’?

  2. Maureen says:

    A “ping” is a gathering for Coronation Street fans. It was actually a typo when one fan asked another if he wanted to “grab a ping and chat about the show”. It was supposed to be grab a pint, of course. Ever since, Corrie fans around the world have called meetings and gatherings Pings!