Fifth Avenue Movie Review: The Fighter


I’d heard that Christian Bale’s acting alone was worth the ticket to check out the Fighter. I was intrigued as  his Batman and Terminator roles don’t really showcase any acting skills unless your looking for the best low talker in a movie. Christian Bale’s portrayal of Dicky– a hard-living boxer-turned-trainer whose own career in the ring was almost sent down for the count due to drugs and crime was the show stopper.

The movie is based on a true story of the brotherly relationship of Bale and Mark Wahlberg who plays Dicky’s left in the shadows brother Mickey who is trying to become a prized boxer outside of the shadow of his brother. The storyline was fairly predictable but the acting really carried the movie. I don’t see many awards for this flick outside of best supporting actor for Bale, but that alone is worth the 2 hours and popcorn.  That and the girl fight between a white trash version of Amy Adams and Micky’s sisters one hour into the movie!

And now, your full Fifth Avenue movie times for the week:

  • Black Swan 1:10, 2:00, 4:00, 4:40, 7:00, 7:20, 9:20, 9:45

Last modified: January 13, 2011

2 Responses to " Fifth Avenue Movie Review: The Fighter "

  1. Ian says:

    I haven’t seen The Fighter yet, but to see Bale at his best, pick up a copy of The Machinist. Bale dropped to something like 90 lbs for the role (which he almost doubled to get up to playing Bruce Wayne) and is phenomenal in it.