Best of Kitsilano 2010: Best Brunch


Are you going for brunch in Kits today? Get your vote in for Best Brunch in Kitsilano and if we’re missing your favorite place be sure to add it.

Last modified: January 12, 2011

26 Responses to " Best of Kitsilano 2010: Best Brunch "

  1. Mike Jones says:

    No “Abigail’s Party”? It’s fantastic. Joe’s Grill is a chain, it’s not very Kits-y.

  2. Kenny says:

    Where’s Abigail’s? And I think you mean Sunset Grill on York…

  3. Andrew says:

    A vote on this without Abigail’s is like without Kitsilano.

  4. GBarker says:

    Abagails party takes the cake! Best brunch in town hands down!

  5. Matt says:

    I agree with all the other comments Abigails Party. Who even put this together without Abigails as an option? Clearly someone that doesn’t eat brunch in Kits!

  6. Rob says:

    Abigails hands down

  7. mike says:

    Abigail’s Party

  8. Deb says:

    Abigail’s most definitely. If you have been waiting in the wrong bruch line up (hm hmmm) you should make the switch now! I highly reccomend you make a visit to Abigail’s Party part of your weekend. You won’t be disappointed.

  9. cdnpolo says:

    Abigail’s Party! Not even on the list???

  10. emily says:

    How could you leave out the best?? Abigail’s party beats all of these options hands down.

  11. Scott says:

    Best Brunch in Kitsilano? Abigails hands down… I’m pretty sure they invented brunch. “It’s not quite breakfast, it’s not quite lunch; but it’s served with a slice of Cantalope”

  12. matty melehes says:

    ha, its funny to see that all the uninventive places are on this list. Abigail’s has it, its a tiny kitchen that pumps out uber-food on the regular. dedication is what they have and it should be respected.

  13. Sid says:

    To have a taylor made breakfast in a cozy ambiance of a young neighborhood.

  14. colin says:

    Abigail’s knows how to make and serve great food! They care about their customer’s experience! I would rate it the best brunch on the West Side!

  15. natalia says:

    Abigail’s Party!

  16. T Rogers says:

    abigails is the best! Yum yum

  17. rarahree says:

    the definition of brunch is ABIGAILS. As satisfying as a quick, impersonal 3rd rate hangover BREAKFAST is concerned… all of the places listed will suffice. However brunch is an EXPERIENCE that Abby’s delivers. You enjoy lovingly prepared food and have enough fun with your waiter to want to take him/her out for a drink later that evening. It’s leisurely, pleasurable and the way sunday brunch should be spent. Shame on you
    for shame

  18. Rob says:

    I hear you! Abigail’s Party is now on the shortlist. Vote away!

  19. Kenny says:

    hmm… more comments than votes for abigails? im pretty sure almost every ‘other’ vote is for abigail’s party. get it right,

  20. abigails is the best! Yum yum

  21. arlo says:

    I still try to get to Abigails party as much as i can to meet friends for brunch. even though i now reside in port moody! worth the trek….mmmmm breakfast pountine and baily’s in my tea….the best!

  22. Skeptic says:

    What? Did someone from Abigail’s post a link to this poll onto their Facebook account, and ask friends to vote for Abigail’s Kitchen? Yes, Abigail’s Kitchen is tasty (like many places), but the number of comments posted are awfully suspicious …

  23. Justin Everett says:

    I haven’t yet made it to Abigail’s for Brunch, though I trust it’s as good as everything else I’ve had there. But another glaring omission seems to be Aphrodite’s. Organic brunch? How is that not Kitsilano?

  24. Jennie says:

    Where is Aphrodite on this list? Who are the ‘other’ votes for?