Steve Nash & Groupon come to Kits Workout rescue


The Kitsilano Workout fiasco is getting plenty of attention in Vancouver this week – our original blog post has 100+ comments (including the ones we’ve had to delete) and the CBC has covered the story.

For those ex-members that are still wondering where they are going to take their workout routine, the Cambie & West 12th location of Steve Nash Fitness World just became an affordable option thanks to this weekend’s Groupon deal.

Steve Nash Fitness World Groupon Deal

Last modified: October 8, 2010

5 Responses to " Steve Nash & Groupon come to Kits Workout rescue "

  1. Judy Rudin says:

    Greetings from Austin City Limits Music Festival where your intrepid consumer reporter is listening to fantastic music and sampling the local libations (margaritas were invented in Texas) and smoky, meaty tidbits.

    Still lots happening with this story, Kit’s Workout members. Check our Facebook group page: “Kitsilano Workout: Save It!” More to come this week for those that are awaiting news about rescuing personal property from the gym, and whether someone is seriously looking at taking over the space.

  2. DCVCR says:

    One months membership is valued at $114.00? Sell me on something credible.

  3. Corky Hecker says:

    To Judy Rudin- Please add my name to your list of people interested in a gym with early morning (i.e. 6:30 a.m.) classes. Thank you for all the work you have done keeping us up to date. I really appreciate your work. Corky Hecker

  4. Gail Weddell says:

    A group of us is also very interested in finding a gym with early morning classes