Coyote Sightings in Kitsilano


Day or night, you’re more than likely going to run across someone walking their dog in Vancouver. But a coyote in Kitsilano?

While returning from a movie at about 11:55pm on Thursday night (July 15th) my wife and I were driving through the neighborhood when we saw the silhouette of what looked like an unleashed large dog cross the street about a block in front of us. Getting closer I was looking for an owner only to be surprised to find not one, but two coyotes! We followed them as they slowly made their way along West 11th from about Trutch to MacKenzie, when they turned south. We left them at that point. It was interesting to watch them travel together as each took a sidewalk and slipped along both sides of West 11th.

The Internet tells me that although coyotes usually travel in large groups, they primarily hunt in pairs. It is believed that there are several thousand coyotes in the lower mainland. An excellent resource concerning urban coyotes is the Stanley Park Ecology Society. Their website tracks urban coyote sightings in Vancouver and provides several resources on how we can “coexist with coyotes” in an urban environment.

They explain, “Living with coyotes around is like living with any other neighbours- hardly a reason to panic but at the same time take reasonable precautions and stay alert to what goes on around you. If you have a bad feeling, pay attention to it but don’t overreact either. Discourage predators from finding food around your house and always ensure your small pets are always supervised.”

While coyote sightings are infrequent they do occur in Kitsilano! Take precaution during late night walks – if you do encounter a coyote be as big, mean and loud as you can. Throw objects in the direction of the coyote to scare them off if necessary. If the coyote continues to approach, do not run but retain eye contact with the coyote, pick-up small pets or children, and move slowly toward an area of increased activity. This will effectively work to deter habituated coyotes.

If you have any questions about urban coyotes, you can call 604 681 WILD (9453) or e-mail: More resources can be found here.

Last modified: July 16, 2010

13 Responses to " Coyote Sightings in Kitsilano "

  1. Andrew E says:

    Our cat was killed by a bunch of coyotes two years ago. He got out of our house one night and never came back. We found his orange fur littered on the sidewalk a couple of blocks away. A neighbour confirmed that he saw coyotes in the area that night. Sad.

    We learned the hard way that outdoor cats in Kitsilano do not last very long.

  2. Bill Barilko says:

    Coyotes are as common as Raccoons or Skunks in this neighbourhood-but unless you’re out and about very early or quite late you’ll rarely see them.

    One way to tell if Coyotes have been active is ‘Missing Pet’ signs on lamposts-lots of notices means they’ve been cruising your street/back lane of late thinning out the pet population.

  3. Karla says:

    I’ve seen them twice in the last year in Kits. I get up super early for work. The first one I saw was last winter around 7th and Bayswater. More recently, I saw one up on Vine and 6th. He just ran right past me as I was walking to work. It was disconcerting.

    I find it funny the amount of “missing cat” signs there are in the neighbourhood. There are enough warnings to keep your cats in at night, I dont get why people just ignore them.

  4. Kim says:

    I was driving home about a month ago around midnight and spotted 2 coyotes roaming around 7th and Tolmie…they were very large coyotes. I panicked and stayed in my car until I was sure they had moved on. Then just the other night I was outside with a couple of friends telling them the story about my siting and my friend pointed over and was like “you mean those 2 coyotes?”, they were running the opposite direction but now down 8th at Tolmie. Thank you for the advice on how to co-exist with them. I’ve thought about moving, but your tips have put me at ease.

  5. Jimbo says:

    It is a good idea to stay in your car as Coyotes love to steal 8-track tapes, which is why they seem to populate the lower mainland.

  6. Jessica says:

    Hello! I’m working on a story for 24hrs Vancouver about coyotes in Kits. I would love if anyone who has spotted a coyote in the area could contact me at


  7. Dan says:

    I hear you Kim; I saw a Cougar in Kits a couple of weeks ago. I also tried to stay in my car, but she saw the door was unlocked, and dragged me out, trying to get me to come to Browns Social House with her for a drink.

  8. Ian says:

    I live near 11th and McKenzie. On Sunday morning, I noticed a large quantity of gray fur on my front lawn, and side boulevard near the lane(corner lot). I’m guessing a coyote has taken someone’s cat.

  9. Tony says:

    I was driving to work early one morning in August (about 7:15) and I saw a coyote between a few block past on King Edward (A couple block past Arbutus and before Granville) It was the second time in my life seeing coyote.

  10. Phil Johnston says:

    Was cycling home the morning of October 5th @ 4am and encountered 2 coyotes headed northbound at Bayswater & 8th. Didn’t know what the heck they were at first.