Best of Kitsilano – The 2009 Winners are…


Over 400 votes have been cast for the inaugural Best of Kitsilano Awards and the 2009 winners are official.

The winners in the 10 Dining categories are:

  • Best Restaurant – Bishop’s
  • Best New Restaurant – Maenam
  • Best Coffee Shop – 49th Parallel
  • Best Brunch – Zen Cafe
  • Best Sushi – Octopus’ Garden
  • Best Greek – Maria’s Taverna
  • Best Italian – La Quercia
  • Best Mexican – Las Margaritas
  • Best Burger – Moderne Burger
  • Best Pub – Regal Beagle

The winners in the 10 Shopping categories are:

  • Best Gift Shop – Moule
  • Best Gym – Fitness World
  • Best Butcher – Jackson’s Meats
  • Best Bakery – Terra Breads
  • Best Grocery Store – Capers
  • Best Wine Store – Kitsilano Wine Cellar
  • Best Snowboard Shop – Pacific Boarder
  • Best Book Store – Duthie’s Books
  • Best Baby Store – Crocodile Baby
  • Best Spa – Beverly’s – the Spa on Fourth

Over the next couple weeks, we’ll take a closer look at the winners and finalists in each category as well as a breakdown of the voting.

Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone that voted.

Last modified: August 17, 2010

15 Responses to " Best of Kitsilano – The 2009 Winners are… "

  1. Chris says:

    Why isn’t there a decent place for vegetarians/vegans to eat in Kitsilano (or Vancouver as a whole, for that matter)? I’ve never understood this. The Naam is awful: poor food, worse service, and dirty. We have nothing like Seattle’s Café Flora, Carmelita, or Plum Bistro.

  2. Christine says:

    I’m with chris on the vegetarian option. I went to Naam once and never again. When I crave vegetarian food I head out to Nuba. It’s the only restaurant in town that has great veggie options.

  3. Joe says:

    This is an awesome list of Kits’ best shopping and dining experiences. Nice work!

  4. Jody says:

    Maenam has many vegetarian/vegan options, and they offer to modify any dish on the menu. Lovely ambience, friendly service, interesting, authentic and affordable food.

  5. Christine says:

    Watch for our line of in-house Raw vegan prepered foods options! They’re fantastic! Some are at our Cambie WFM store, but they’ll be coming to Kits soon. contact me with questions or suggestions:

  6. Mary says:

    For vegetarian/vegan options, there’s Dharma’s Kitchen (Broadway, near Alma) and Aphrodite’s Cafe on 4th.

  7. kitsgirl says:

    hhmmm, The BEST sushi place is Temaki Sushi on Broadway/Arbutus. Hands down, the absolute BEST! As for baby stores, Crocodile Baby has lots of great stuff, though most of it seems overpriced.

  8. Chris says:

    There’s actually not even a single vegetarian, let alone vegan, item on Maenam’s menu.

  9. Jennifer says:

    So me and my friend aren’t the only ones who think the Naam is absolutely terrible. Good to know. Why is it always packed?

    Personally I think Aoki is the best sushi and Arbutus Coffee is the best coffee shop; I had the best cup of coffee ever in my life there.

  10. Guy says:

    So Kit’s loves it’s Duthie’s so much that it names it Best Bookstore. So do the voters not vote with their wallets or was it just that the poll was so small that 20 votes created a “winner”?