A Night on the Savannah at Granville Island


The Kitsilano-headquartered non-profit Canadian Network for International Surgery (CNIS) sends volunteer Canadian surgeons to Africa to teach surgical and obstetrics skills. Now they are inviting Vancouverites to join them – not to Africa but to Granville Island’s Performance Works on May 14th for a fundraiser.

A Night on the Savannah will allow you to enjoy a vintage safari without vaccines, visas or Tsetse flies. The evening includes an authentic Ethiopian coffee ceremony, a three-course dinner and live entertainment, featuring the Three Iranian Sopranos from Vienna and African youth performers. Silent auction items include a signed print by Robert Bateman, hotel nights, spas and an antique travel case.

The event takes place at Performance Works at 1218 Cartwright Street on Granville Island from 7pm to midnight on May 14th. Tickets are $75 and include a $40 tax receipt. Tickets are available for purchase online.

Last modified: April 24, 2009

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