Confirmed: Jackson’s Meat is returning to West 4th Avenue


Christopher Jackson, the great grandson of the original founder of Jackson’s Meats, confirmed it this evening on with the following comment to our rumour post from two weeks ago.

jacksons1My family and I are overwhelmed by   the support of the community. The rumors are true, Jackson’s is re-opening in it’s original location which was opened by my Great Grandfather in 1911. Myself and my wife Shayna Jackson have taken on the exciting challenge of carrying on the family name. We look forward to once again serving the Kitsilano community very soon. Thank you for your postings, if  you have any Jackson’s stories or memories we would love to here them.

Welcome back to the hood. Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition for Market Meats one block west down 4th.

Last modified: July 27, 2020

28 Responses to " Confirmed: Jackson’s Meat is returning to West 4th Avenue "

  1. Angie says:

    This is great news! Market Meats has fantastic meat, but it makes Granville Island look cheap. The competition will be good.

  2. Talk about doing a double-take…

    Market Meats has definitely got the quality and service wrapped up. If prices were to drop because of this, all the stars would align.

  3. David Shepherd says:

    Market Meats is way TOO expensive. To Christopher Jackson, if Jackson’s Meats has good quality meat and reasonable prices I *will* visit and I *will* tell my friends about it. Free us from the gouging of Market Meats!

  4. steven Wills says:

    I am very excited about this re-opening of a family tradition. Vancouver is not the same with the memories of the retail business since the closing of the Granville Street store. Looking forward to the new generation and experience!

  5. Dan O says:

    Looking forward to this too; though my concern is about sourcing. Do Jackson’s get non-medicated/hormone-free meat? I’m not so fussy about organics, but known sources and non-medication is a biggie for me. Capers is too expensive for meat, so I’m potentially happy to see Jackson’s, as long as the quality and provenance is good.

  6. Dan O says:

    The Jackson’s on 4th looks close to opening now the sign is up. And oh dear, what a sign it is. I was shocked to see that a family butcher with local heritage is going to look like a jazzy prepubescent shoe store.

    I’m a graphic designer, and it saddens me to see such awful design like this; I’m sad for Jackson’s, who deserve something better and more appropriate, and I’m sad for that designer, who should’ve known better. I wish I’d known they needed someone to do this work, but now it’s too late, and 4th Avenue is left with this mediocre piece of design.

  7. Bill Barilko says:

    That sign definitely comes down on the gauche side of the equation.

  8. Paul E says:

    I am a long-time Kitsilano resident. I cannot say how thrilled I am that Jacksons meats is returning! The service at Market Meats has declined recently and the quality has as well. Maybe having competition in the neighbourhood will convince them to “pull up their socks” but its too late!!! I’ll be off to Jacksons!!!


  9. Joe "The BBQ Man" says:

    Wow Paul …I COULD NOT AGREE MORE!! Lately, the steaks have been SUB-PAR. I am looking forward to more selection in our neighbourhood!

  10. Betty Deninson says:

    Healthy competition is just what this area needs. I am looking forward to more selection and hopefully better prices!

  11. Gerard says:

    Good news, this area needs more family businesses! I grow tired of seeing companies such as Starbucks squeeze out the “smaller” businesses. Keep your money in the community! Locals care more about the neighborhood, will support events and best of all- will keep their sidewalks cleaner!

  12. Seumas C. says:

    As someone who has worked in the food service industry for a considerable number of years, in both North America and Europe, as not only a purveyor, but as a consumer, I cannot adequately express my suprise and delight in knowing that Chris and Shayna Jackson will be continuing the family tradition into the 4th generation (here in Canada), at his Great-grandfather’s 4th Avenue address; no less!!! Futhermore, it is ‘high time’ that Market Meats had some “real” competion… they have been ‘fleecing’ & gouging for far, far too long!!! Jackson’s has a long family history,following and reputation here in Vancouver.

  13. Anthony Kearns says:

    Good news indeed for not only the Kitsilano neighbourhood, but for Greater Vancouver as a whole. It’s about time that Market Meats got a serious competitor. I truly believe that what comes around, goes around……..they have been ‘screwing’ their customers and the community way too long. It is now time for the “CHICKENS TO COME HOME TO ROOST.” (Pun intended). Good luck Chris & Shayna, Jeoff, Sara et al!!!

  14. Paul K. says:

    HERE,HERE!!! I second the comments re both Market Meats as apposed to the Jackson family’s long, fine standing reputation and tradition. Apropos of the pun “CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST,” at least I will know that if I patronize Jackson’s for ground lamb, that is in fact the product that I will ultimately receive and pay for, whereas at Market Meats, I pay for ground lamb, only to be provided with previously frozen, ‘Down Under’ (imported), ground “MUTTON DRESSED UP AS LAMB!!!” (Pun intended).

  15. Shirley Jones says:

    In response to the last comment – I know for a fact that Market Meats lies about the origin and quality of much of its meat. Imported product sold as “local” and lean ground beef sold as bison just to give a couple of examples. I wish Jacksons all the best, I however will continue to buy my meat from Meinhardts – they are a bit pricey, but the butcher they have there now is great (and honest).

  16. Joe "The BBQ Man" says:

    It is now open for business!

  17. Gina W says:

    Slander and negative campaigning is a slippery slope especially when you consider the tarnished reputation of the Jackson clan. Nostalgia aside, as a long time Kitsilano resident it’s hard to forget the horrid operation they used to run on 4th. Just ask any of their previous customers who were subjected to mislabelled or even worse- rotten meat. I agree that Market Meats is an expensive option but I have yet to find another butcher who dares to retail that high level of product (except maybe Armandos for some things.
    Probably because it is so costly and probably because they can get away with less-most people don’t know the difference when they’re standing at the counter. As a “foodie” I appreciate the option that Market Meats provides and am willing to splurge for something I know will be perfect. I also appreciate their service. I have found it to be more than courteous and always well informed-a definate “cut” above.

  18. Friend of Jacksons meat says:

    As a friend of both the Jackson’s and the Cooper’s (former owners of Cooper’s food in the Interior) I would like to say cogratulations and good luck to them. I know that any negative campaining written obove is not coming from them and they can not control what other people have written. They feel that healthy competition is good for both them and Market Meats and the competition will provide a better service to the community. I do not know about the quality or pricing of market meats only having shop ther once but I do know the high quality and competitive pricing that Jackson’s meat will provide and if you have any doubts about the quality or origins of meat and products provided I encourage you to go in and talk to Chris and I am sure you will find him not only knowledgeable and honest but also friendly and willing to help.

  19. Sara Jackson says:

    I am so proud of my brother chris and his amazing wife Shayna to take the risk of reopening the family business. Altghough the name is the same, the quality and service is much different than recieved in the final years before the old store closed. For those who would like to come in and see for themselves you will realize that this is a great place with good pricing as well as amazing quality. i to will be joining the ranks by the end of the week leaving my job to work with the family. It is still a family business and that is what will make us a strong attribute to the community. We look forward to accomodating everyones needs and wowing you with our service. Thanks to all that supported us on our first opening days. We hope to see you again soon.

  20. Sean says:

    I find the comments regarding competition compelling. That’s like saying Capers and Safeway are competitors. One specializes in premium grades and top shelf products (Market Meats) the other provides more average product (Jacksons). Both are great alternatives so I say good luck to both! But competitors…not.

  21. Roy Speers says:

    That’s awesome news. Welcome back. I knew it was in your blood and you couldn’t stay out of the business for long.
    Cheers to you and your family.

  22. Kennie DEE says:

    Wow. I was in a memory moment, flashing back to the 60’s when the Jackson’s lived on 52nd & West BLVD.
    I forgot the Mum’s name, George, George the Younger, Brian, and a wee young one named Geoff.

    George the younger and I were classmates at Magee.
    I still recall the huge laurel hedge along one of the property lines I had the pleasure of trimming.
    For days and days!!

    For poop and giggles, I googled the family business, and read snippets of what’s been going on the past while.

    Good luck to the present owners.

    Here in Smithers, we don’t have the selection of you folks in Smog-couver, but we do pretty OK with the Lawrence brand of Dawson Creek.

  23. rumproasted says:


  24. RUMP_ ROASTED says: