Why am I still Writing about the Wharf?


Looks like the Jericho Marginal Wharf may have some life in it yet. Earlier we reported that the parks board was following the city staff’s recommendation to go with a plan that would see most the wharf demolished. It would make way for a natural beach, with a small piece being preserved for its historic significance and the great views the wharf offers.

The Georgia Straight reports that COPE parks board vice-chair Woodcock

told the Straight that Vision, COPE, and Green commissioners […] decided in a caucus meeting to study the matter further.

While I can see that due diligence is important when it comes to important decisions like these, this just seems to drag on and on. So let’s say they decide against the plan that was approved back in July of last year. Then what? Back to the drawing board? More consultations? More studies?

This is exactly what has been happening with the Burrard Bridge for 20+ years. Studies, recommendations, decision, elections, reverse decision, start all over.

Well, at least they can’t dilly-dally too long on this one as the Wharf is close to the end of its service life and will start posing a public safety risk sooner rather than later.

Last modified: January 20, 2009

3 Responses to " Why am I still Writing about the Wharf? "

  1. This could become another capital works project.

    Let’s add to the debate. How about the construction of a sadly needed moorage facility for local and offshore boaters. We get a lot of off shore visitors and the best we can offer them as our guests is anchorage in False Creek. Definitely a supernatural place to stay.

  2. Bill Barilko says:

    Good point Larry-I used to be in the marine trades biz and options for visiting boaters always have been and remain poor to worse.

    Since the Wharf is part of the park don’t expect to see any big changes though.

    The Vancouver RYC own the water rights to a large chunk of foreshore east of their present location and could use more space for floats but will never build because of opposition from neighbours

    That’s a fight the Yacht Club just doesn’t have the stomach for and I don’t blame them.

  3. petra says:

    could we for a change have one piece of attractive old form of architecture leave undemolished in vancouver? the wharf also
    was a unique meeting/multipe activity place.
    now vision has ben lured into “saving the shore” so that later the jericho sailing club can appropriate it….. bad business this.
    super poor and deliberatily obtrusive public survey , just barging ahead .. what else is new???