Speaker City Mural gone


A faithful Kitsilano.ca reader just let me know that Speaker City‘s mural at the corner of West 4th and Fir Street has been painted over. While I was never particularly fond of the montage of actors, musicians, and celebrities, it definitely strange to drive by and not see it there.

Any other landmarks in Kitsilano that you’d be sad to see go?

Photo Credit: Mikey G Ottawa

Last modified: January 7, 2009

8 Responses to " Speaker City Mural gone "

  1. Sharon says:

    The Kitsilano log at Cornwall & Burrard. It is Kitsilano!

  2. Erik V. says:

    It’s a hideous mural, but I will sure miss it.

  3. Paul says:

    I agree, some of the faces were spooky, but it will be strange to come back to Vancouver and not see it on the wall.

  4. Christopher says:

    Did the dinosaur of an owner finally die or move away letting new management bring a touch of the 21st century to the business ?

  5. junkyardjj says:

    The sad part is that no one really gives a damn in this city until something is covered over, then the odd one notices and makes some lame-ass comment. Too bad, we can’t make the art come back.

  6. nola chi says:

    Sorry to be a party-pooper here, but that photo is mine, and it is copyrighted. I was not asked for permission to use it here. Although Kitsilano.ca could have asked for permission, they chose not to do so. I’m very disappointed, and I ask for it now to be removed from this site.

    You can still see it on Google Earth and in Panoramio. You can leave comments and messages there too. Such as asking for permission.

  7. Rob says:

    @nolachi – sorry for the infraction. I’ve removed your photo and replaced it with one via Creative Commons with the proper attribution.