Urban Project Fundraiser at the Legion


The Urban Project is partnering with Giant Ant Media to create the Bongo film and web series. The funds raised through Urban Project will pay the youth a salary while they are working on the project, meals and safer living conditions, their school fees for one year, and the rental of the studio to record the album!

The Kickoff Fundraiser will be held in Kitsilano at the Royal Canadian Legion on Broadway and Alma tonight. 100% of the funds raised through ticket sales will go to the UP 2008 Project. Musical Guests will be Miami Device, an Afro-beat ensemble, Benny Scheutze and collaborators, and DJ JoeAve of Shah DJs.

If you are unable to attend, but would like to support the project by “purchasing a ticket”, you can make a donation here. For more information about the Fundraiser visit the Urban Project Facebook page.

Last modified: July 24, 2008

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