Winning Our Hardts


MeinhardtWe managed to make it to the newly opened Meinhardt on Arbutus yesterday, and it did not disappoint. It’s a great location and a beautiful store. Like in their Granville location, they tried to cram in as much delectable stuff as they could, which makes navigation a little tricky with a double stroller. Oh well. The Nanaimo bar samples and other tasty goodies made up for it in spades.

The by now prerequisite free cloth bag was of course also being handed out, but what’s even more exciting is that bringing back your first receipt will give you 10% off your next purchases (as long as you come back within seven days). Given their prices, I doubt we will be going to Meinhardt much, especially for groceries. But we’ll certainly go back this week to claim our discount and see if there are any more delicious samples to be had.

Meinhardt Fine Foods on Urbanspoon

Last modified: July 19, 2008

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