Commuter Cycling Skills Courses


VACCStarting to get fed up with the ever increasing gas prices? Sick of overcrowded transit? Would you rather bike to work but don’t feel comfortable enough to actually do so? The Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition offers regular one day Commuter Cycling Skills Courses that may be of help:

The Commuter Cycling Skills Course takes you through the most common situations you’ll face when you ride your bike in traffic. It also provides you with tips to make cycle commuting a fun and regular part of your life. This 7 hour course combines classroom and on-road training. You’ll learn to:

  • ride safely and confidently in traffic
  • check your bike for safety
  • adjust your bike to fit you
  • ride at night and in the rain
  • choose equipment and clothing
  • plan the best routes

Check here for a short video about the course.

Unfortunately these courses are not (yet) offered in Kits, but the nearest next available course is Saturday July 12th at the Dunbar Community Centre (registration is $35 and can be done through the Dunbar CC website). Check here for the full course schedule, and contact Bonnie Fenton at if you want the VACC to hold a course at your workplace.

Last modified: July 5, 2008

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