Jericho Marginal Wharf Decision


Back in February we told you about the public consultation concerning the future of the Jericho Marginal Wharf. The Vancouver Courier reports that the parks board will make their decision on July 7th. City staff has recommended to tear the wharf down and leave a small piece as a memorial.

This has at least one Kits resident upset, as Joan Bunn would like to see this Second World War structure preserved.

Bunn, who’s lived in Kits for 30 years, said besides the wharf’s historical significance, it’s a popular spot for locals and visitors. She wants the wharf repaired and made available for small public events, such as music concerts and programs for children. She notes in these times of fiscal restraint, the parks board could make money renting out a renovated wharf for family reunions and weddings.

I actually quite like the proposed plan, which leaves room for both recreational space (paths and beach) and preservation of a (small) piece of Vancouver history.

Last modified: June 27, 2008

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