Jericho Marginal Wharf Consultation


Jericho Marginal WharfNot until today did I realize that the big slab of concrete in between Jericho Beach and the Jericho Sailing Centre was actually a wharf. A marginal wharf, but still.

The Jericho Marginal Wharf is owned and “operated” by the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, which commissioned studies in both 2002 and 2005 that showed the wharf is almost at the end of its service life. The Parks Board in now reviewing 4 different options to either rehabilitate, partially rehabilitate, or demolish the wharf.

An open house has been scheduled for March 12th, from 6-9pm at the West Point Grey Community Centre.

Last modified: February 26, 2008

9 Responses to " Jericho Marginal Wharf Consultation "

  1. Eric,

    From Vancouver Parks Board:
    “This once was the site of Vancouver’s first golf course but was commandeered by the National Department of Defence in the late 1930s for a seaplane base with numerous hangars lining the shoreline. Turned over to the Park Board in the early 1970s, all but a handful of the buildings were demolished as the park took shape.”

    Other than the dock at the sailing club, it is a unique structure allowing people to go beyond the shoreline for an uncompromised view of the city and north shore.

  2. Erik says:

    Thanks for the added information Larry. Of the four options, two allow for the preservation of at least some of the structure. The other two options would see the wharf demolished and giving way to a small bay and beach.

  3. paul says:

    Paddle underneath it next time you’re out there. It’s huge and neato.

  4. Eric:
    I can’t find the article that claimed the wharf was at one time used as parade square. The knoll to the south-west was used as the grand stand area.
    Maybe one of your readers might know about this.
    Another random thought – I suspect that part of the problem with the structure is the type of concrete used in the earlier days. It was very suspectible to salt water leading to premature decay.

  5. Joan Bunn says:

    Thewharf can be rehabilitated for less than the cost of demolishing it. Its place in the early history of flight in Vancouver is fascinating. It is a unique and irreplaceable landmark, an accessible public space with tremendous potential for public activities and celebrations. The views are staggering beautiful — the perspective when you are way out over the water is so much more impressive than when just standing on the beach. It’s very accessible by wheelchair, and a popular spot for biking and for family outings with baby strollers (ever try to push a stroller on sand?)

    The beach grasses and shrubs have grown so vigorously on the beachward side of the nearby paths that people sitting at wheelchair height can’t get a really great view as they roll along. But once they are on the wharf — wow! The sense of space and freedom there is irresistable for many of us — on foot, bike, wheelchair, or whatever.

    I have spoken with a number of widows of WWII veterans who remember dances on the wharf when their husbands were stationed there. Why not have dances and concerts again? If you have not walked to the edge of the wharf at sunset or under a full moon, you need to try it for yourself to appreciate the romance of the location. Lean on the heritage wrought iron railings rescued decades ago from the original Lions’ Gate Bridge and let your imagination travel out over the water. . .

  6. Gail Owen says:

    Joan Bunn needs to get her facs straight/

    The smallest cost to the city taxpayers is to remove the collapising concreate slab and return the beach to it’s natural state. Remember, we took the land from the First Nations who used ithe area as a canoe launch area. Do you not think they have the first claim on this beach area.

    The wharf is collapsing. Take a walk underneath if you dare. Slabs of wood, steel and cemend are bending, breaking, and colapisng the chemically soaked and leaching log piles. We have already had a vehicle crash through the wharf.

    There are many other areas to see and enjoy all the visions you now see from the wharf. But, use the dead wharf and ensure you don’t touch the rusted out railings – you will need first aid to remove the contaminated slivers.

    There are many ex military people in this area. I am one who supports the removal of the wharf.

    In a recent petition, Joan and her friends misrepresented the conciliation decision of the Parks Board. They actualy lied in the petition and said the decision was to destroy the whole wharf. Well, I hope the new Parks Board puts this option back on the table.

  7. Charlotte says:

    Is there any documentation regarding the First Nations canoe launch? I am interested in learning about native history on the site…