New Bohemian gets Gilled


Alexandra Gill of the Globe and Mail hit The New Bohemian on West Broadway last week and left confused and thoroughly unimpressed. In what she calls a nightclub masquerading as a casual restaurant, The New Bohemian features “a conventional menu, food that is barely edible and strangely confused decor.” The Gill article is worth a read but if you’re not inclined to click thru, here’s a summary:

  • Shabby bordello design theme
  • Contrived attempt to emulate the over-designed eclecticism of Browns Social House but with a much smaller budget
  • Menu hops around the globe with no apparent rhyme or reason
  • The only way to enjoy the food here is to get bleeding-eyed drunk
  • The late-night crowd is younger, but hardly hip
  • Wannabe Yaletowners who couldn’t be bothered to cross the bridge


The New Bohemian on Urbanspoon

Last modified: May 19, 2008

6 Responses to " New Bohemian gets Gilled "

  1. Geez you’d think she was from Toronto!

  2. darren says:

    I loved the ‘couldn’t be bothered to cross the bridge’ bit…
