The Kitsilano Kid in a Smart Car


Miro Cernetig of the Vancouver Sun doesn’t like Kitsilano-resident & Mayoral candidate Peter Ladner and won’t be casting a vote his way come election time.

At last, Peter Ladner, a.k.a. the Kitsilano Kid, has decided he really — no, really, really — wants to be the mayor. As a scion of a storied and wealthy family — there are law offices and even a town named after his estimable and generous forebears — his followers have tended to see him as sort of civic royalty, genetically and historically destined for the big job at Vancouver city hall.

But does this pol, known for his haughty froideur, really have the royal jelly, the charisma, that ineffable political karma to lead this city as the Olympic juggernaut comes in 2010? As a fellow citizen of Kits, I must say I’m just not feeling it, at least not yet.

Read the full article and let us know if Ladner will get your vote.

Last modified: February 22, 2008

5 Responses to " The Kitsilano Kid in a Smart Car "

  1. J Barker says:

    Er, no. Ladner has stood for nothing in the past, yet he feels fine about sticking the knife in the back of his fellow councillors to suit his blue-blooded ego.

    I’ll take a pass on voting for Peter.

  2. Larry says:

    blue blood doesn’t give me warm fuzzies – that’s a pass on pete

  3. paul says:

    Peter Ladner as a blueblood is a pretty funny notion. I know the guy and he’s pretty humble. Never felt the entitlement coming from him. From stories I’ve heard, he’s always gone out on his own to make his own hay. (at Van Sun, Monday Mag in Vic, and then at Business in Vancouver)

    Re: stabbing in the back, if it’s a throat-stomping ineffective git of a mayor you’re stabbing, that’s just fine with me.

    Count me in on Ladner.