Best Pictures at 5th Avenue Theatre


Festival Cinemas is running a Watch and Win Red Carpet Contest at Kitsilano’s Fifth Avenue Cinemas from Feb 18th to Feb 22nd. Attend any one of these Best Picture films at selected showtimes and you could win a cruise for two.

  • Juno on Feb. 18th @ 7pm
  • There Will Be Blood on Feb. 19th @ 7pm
  • No Country For Old Men on Feb. 20th @ 7pm
  • Michael Clayton on Feb. 21st @ 7pm
  • Atonement on Feb. 22nd @ 7pm

Seen them all already? Enter their Review and Win contest for a chance to win one of 5 – 2008 VIP Passes to Festival Cinemas theatres.

Last modified: February 15, 2008

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