Earthsave Holiday Gift Market


Earthsave Canada is organizing their second annual Holiday Gift Market. I love the announcement:

Come and check out our 2nd annual Holiday Gift Market, full of environmentally
conscious, sustainably produced, non-addictive, non-sexist, gender neutral,
non-speciesist, often times consumable and/or 100% post consumer
recycled holiday gifts – perfect for your celebration of the winter solstice
holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious
persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with
respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of
others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.

Look, we’ve got a lot of great cookbooks, okay? And other
goodies: gift certificates, sustainably produced food items, lots
of stocking stuffers (if you like that kind of thing), Ayurvedic chair massages–yes really! Something for everyone!


I’ll definitely be getting me some 100% consumable, non-speciesist, winter solstice gifts! The ‘non-addictive’ worries me though. Does that mean no chocolate!?

The gift market is this Friday, December 7th, from 7pm to 9pm at the S.P.E.C. Building (2150 Maple Street @ 6th).

Photo by iluvcocacola

Last modified: June 2, 2008

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