A traffic heads up


The other day, I noticed there was an abnormal amount of water pooling in the gutter at Broadway and Balaclava. It looked like a broken water main.  Now the whole block is a royal mess and has been for a couple days.  It’s looking like major surgery.  The bus stops in either direction on the block towards Trutch have been moved/canceled.  No word on how long the block will be in total disarray!

Last modified: December 9, 2008

2 Responses to " A traffic heads up "

  1. bertrand says:

    I live in the area and I received a letter from the City a few weeks ago. They are replacing sections of the sewer mains and water mains from Larch to Alma. It started on Jan 8th and it should last from 12 to 14 weeks.

  2. Rich Priske says:

    good tip. thanks for the heads up