Finally… a Rob that knows how to write


For those of you that pick up on small details, you may have noticed that I changed my handle a couple weeks ago from Rob to Rob L. This was in eager anticipation of a new contributor joining Mikey and I on Welcome Rob W to the mix.

Let me tell you a bit about him… actually I know next to nothing about him – other than the fact that this Rob can write.

Last modified: February 11, 2006

One Response to " Finally… a Rob that knows how to write "

  1. Rob W says:

    Here’s a short bio from my typepad profile:

    I live in Kitsilano, home of beautiful young people who joyfully throw frisbees by the beach, drive Jeeps and feature in beer commercials. I have a Jeep. I haven’t been in any beer commercials. Last time someone threw a frisbee at me, the incident ended up on America’s Funniest Home Videos. Twice.

    When not composing snarky posts on here, I can be found skiing, mountain biking or repairing my broken skis and bikes. I work in the software industry. It’s a demanding job but I admit that sometimes I get tired of the glamour and throngs of adoring women.

    Any questions?