Waiterblog’s palate isn’t ruled by anyone


Andrew Morrison’s WestEnder article about said paper’s 9th Annual Reader’s Choice Awards is a classic. Here’s an excerpt which includes most of the gems:

WestenderFirst, giving Enthuze the honours for new restaurant is pure bollocks; Nu, Habit, Senova, and Lolita’s are better on a Sunday night at 3 a.m. when they’re not even open. True, I gave Enthuze a great review, but there’s no getting around the fact that it’s mostly a take-out joint (one that, strangely, didn’t even place in the Takeout category).

Second, there’s this nasty business of elevating Chianti’s to tied-for-third place in the Italian restaurant category with the much-better Quattro, while making no mention at all of Il Giardino, CinCin, or Adesso Bistro.

And finally, after eating so many of Vera’s burgers recently, I heartily applaud their win for Best Burger. What did I like most about the Best of the City results? Good old Denny’s won for Late-Night Eatery, thus rightly proving that you, dear reader, and I have at least one thing in common: when we’re too drunk to care, we just don’t.

With a writing style like this, it’s not a surprise that the WestEnder and Vancouver Magazine scooped this blogger up.

Last modified: February 4, 2006

One Response to " Waiterblog’s palate isn’t ruled by anyone "

  1. Ariadna says:

    OMG, Denny’s is the worst place in the world. I can’t stand going there except for their blueberry milkshakes and since I’m not a pot-smoking teenager anymore I don’t really care for them. Can’t believe they won. Mind you, at night there’s not much on offer.