Watch out for Watch IT! this fall in Kits


Everyone in my postal code got an interesting piece of what appeared to be junk mail in their mailbox today. It was an announcement that a watch & sunglass chain out of Edmonton is opening a store in Kitsilano this November. Watch IT! has found a storefront location on West 4th between Arbutus & Yew – at least its not another baby/maternity store! What was different about this piece of direct mail is that it included a letter stating that Watch IT! is looking for a local resident to step up and invest in this franchise:

Like all new stores, this location presents a unique opportunity as our customers often become our franchise owners. If you are entreprenuial, love retail and fashion, then this might be just the business venture that you are looking for. To find out more about owning this Watch IT! boutique, please have a look through the franchise section of our website or feel free to contact me direct at 1-877-404-2824.

This letter is signed by the Prez, Darren Bondar.  Smart move Darren – that kind of forward thinking will ensure you success in Kits! There are too many business owners that just open up shop on West 4th and expect to be a success without really understanding the market and neighborhood. And they don’t usually last that long. 

Last modified: September 1, 2005

One Response to " Watch out for Watch IT! this fall in Kits "

  1. Thanks for the positive feedback on our mail-out. We really look forward to being part of your neighborhood.

    Our retail roots are on the street as we opened our first location in 1999 in the heart of Edmonton’s Whyte Avenue in the Old Strathcona district. By being accepted and actively supporting our neighborhood, this allowed us to grow our business and for that, we are forever grateful.

    We hope that Watch IT! – West 4th will compliment the over 300 shops and restaurants lining Canada’s “coolest” street. We know that most Kitsilano stores are one-of-a-kind, and reflect the hip and happening personality started in the 1960’s. Each Watch IT! that we open brings its own vibe and sense of style that will be owned and run by someone in your community, and we trust that Kitsilano residents will accept and appreciate this.

    We open November 1st and look forward to serving your watch, sunglass, jewelry and accessory desires for many years to come.

    Darren Bondar