Get Your Greek On


Greek Day is easily one of the best community events in Vancouver, and lucky us……it’s right here in Kits!

Sunday June 22nd is Greek Day. The road is closed to vehicle traffic from 12:00 noon – 9:30pm on West Broadway between Macdonald and Blenheim Streets. This is an outstanding free event that offers something for everyone. You can take in some tasty Greek delicacies, participate in a bunch of kid’s events, see & hear live music on two stages and learn about the Hellenic experience through a number of cultural offerings.

This terrific Greek showcase brings together all people of our community, small and large businesses and is a great place to people watch too! Get yourself to West Broadway on June 22nd and take in the experience, it’s great way to spend a Sunday.

Last modified: June 7, 2008

6 Responses to " Get Your Greek On "

  1. I think you will find Broadway is closed from about 7 am or earlier to general traffic. Most of the booths are being set up during the early hours.

  2. Silverhalide says:

    Just a reminder that, if past Greek Days are an indication, dogs are not welcome. Despite being in the heart of Kits where everyone has a dog, and despite other street festivals or similar events elsewhere in the area (for example, the Richmond Night Market) welcoming your pet, Greek Days are downright hostile to canines. Dogs are even allowed at the Kits Farmer’s Market three blocks away.

    I can understand no dogs in restaurants, and I can (sort of) accept extending this to sidewalk food stalls, but banning the animals from the street totally seems a little overboard.

    One can hope that they’ll be a little more in tune with with their target audience this year.

  3. @Silverhalide,

    Can’t speak for the organizers but as a past participant I can tell you that if I were a dog I sure wouldn’t want my feet trampled by the the zoned out crowd or burned by the hot pavement. It’s just not a pretty doggy place.

    just sayin….

  4. Fiona says:

    Greeks are born and bred to hate dogs or any animal other than themselves. It is disgusting the way they look down on them.

  5. StanTheMan says:

    Interesting Fiona – didn’t know that. Are you generalizing a bit?

  6. Laura says:

    I’m guessing the reason for the ban is that there’s a lot of tasty meat out in the open at the souvlaki booths, and unsuspecting vendors don’t want to have watch out for foraging dogs while they’re tending to paying customers.