Tickets for Bard on the Beach go on sale next week


Tickets for Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival’s 22nd season go on sale March 14th, launching a banner year that includes the unveiling of a spectacular new Mainstage tent at and a move to reserved seating.

The popular Festival returns to Vancouver’s Vanier Park from June 2nd to September 24th. Its new purpose-built, 760-seat Mainstage tent will increase that venue’s seating capacity by 40% and incorporate a redesigned stage plus more comfortable seating for patrons. And the Festival’s introduction of Reserved Seating will eliminate site-entry lineups and allow patrons earlier access to the Bard Village’s amenities and services.

Bard’s 2011 season will open with a Mainstage production of the light-hearted romantic comedy AS YOU LIKE IT, directed by David Mackay. Playing in repertory with As You Like It on the Mainstage is the classic THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, directed by Rachel Ditor. In the intimate 240-seat Douglas Campbell Studio Stage tent, Bard concludes its 3-year THE KINGS History Cycle as Christopher Weddell directs HENRY VI: The Wars of the Roses, his adaptation of Henry VI, Parts I, II & III. Kathryn Shaw directs the powerful drama RICHARD III, playing in repertory with Henry VI.

Run dates and Special Events are as follows:

  • As You Like It – June 2 to September 24 (Mainstage tent)
  • The Merchant of Venice – June 15 to September 23 (Mainstage tent)
  • Henry VI: The Wars of the Roses (Henry VI, Parts I, II & II) – June 30 to September 21 (Studio Stage tent)
  • Richard III – July 13 to September 23 (Studio Stage tent)
  • Bard Explored: Lecture & Discussion Series -June 25, July 16 & 23, August 6, 13 & 27, September 3 & 17
  • Bard-B-Q & Fireworks – Play plus salmon barbecue & fireworks viewing: July 30, August 3 & 6
  • Celebrating Red & White – Wine Tasting following the matinee performances and before the evening shows: August 20
  • The Marriage of Figaro (Opera & Arias) – UBC Opera Ensemble & members of Vancouver Opera Orchestra: August 29 & September 5.

Performances run Tuesdays through Sundays. Evening curtain is at 8pm, except Sunday evenings and from September 7 and onward when curtain moves one hour earlier to 7pm. Matinees are presented on selected weekends and weekdays.

For more information and tickets, visit

Last modified: March 10, 2011

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