The Eagles are Back


The Vanier Park eagles have returned to their nest!

Vanier Park EagleThe favourite part of my commute home is cycling across Burrard Street Bridge. While the bike/pedestrian lane situation is horrendous, the view is invariably breathtaking. And today there was the bonus of spotting the return of the eagle pair that have a nest in the big tree just in front of the Canadian Coast Guard Station.

In each of our first two summers here, the nest produced two eaglets, and we took many a walk along Vanier Park to check them out. Last year the eaglets unfortunately didn’t survive, and the adults were gone long before the summer was over. Let’s hope they’ll stick around a little longer this year.

The Stanley Park Ecology Society has an excellent overview of the urban eagle nests for the past 4 years and will no doubt provide regular updates of this year’s crop as well.

Photo by Aphex Twin

Last modified: February 29, 2008

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