Vancouver Zombie Walk Returns September 6, 2014



We harp on about the zombie apocalypse fairly often on, but this time, it’s for real. Vancouver Zombie Walk 2014 takes place September 6 this year from 4 to 6pm.  Thousands of Vancouverites in gory zombie garb infest the streets, creeping their way from Vancouver Art Gallery up Robson towards Denman Street. At Denman the horde will make a left and continue to English Bay. The infestation ends at the laughing men statues.

If you plan on participating, here are the guidelines.

Vancouver Zombie Walk Guidelines

  • If you do it, go all out; put on your goriest zombie face and most tattered garb.
  • The apocalypse starts at 4pm. Zombies start to gather at 3pm. You want to get there early so you can roam in a horde. Nobody fears a lone zombie.
  • Though it’s hard to control your zombie urges, do not smear blood, brains or goop from human snacks on private property.
  • The police are there to make sure the zombie walkers and Vancouver street traffic do not interfere with or damage each other, so respect their authority.
  • Don’t scare small children (more than necessary).
  • Do help out with water and clean up for the zombie walkers.

Okay, go forth and infest the streets of Vancouver!

Last modified: August 26, 2014

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