Define drool


InsidethesunThis week’s Westcoast Life pull-out in the Vancouver Sun includes ‘Ten New Restaurants You’ll Drool Over".  I gotta say I agree with most of Mia Stainsby’s choices – except for one which happens to be in the heart of Kits. Kudos to her for singling out Mistral and Zest but what was she thinking when recommending Watermark on Kits Beach. If you read this blog regularly, then you know that I’ve been critical of Watermark more than once (here and here). Maybe she has chosen to forgive Watermark for its lacklustre debut in 2005, after all 2006 is a new year and everyone deserves a 2nd (or 3rd) chance.

Last modified: January 21, 2006

2 Responses to " Define drool "

  1. Can I enthusiastically second (or, I guess, third) the vote for Zest? We’ve eaten there twice: imaginative menu, delicious food, and terrific atmosphere in what could have been another strip mall, but is turning into something much more interesting.

  2. Mistral and Zest? Great picks. Try the Tomato Ice Cream at Zest… and the molten chocolate cake at Mistral. The Dauphinois potatoes at Mistral were to die for.