Is Jackson’s Meats Returning to West 4th?


I’ve recently come across a bit of news that Jackson’s Meats may be returning to their old location at 4th and Yew (2214 West 4th Avenue). The space recently vacated by City Market and of which Jackson’s had  left just a few years ago earlier. Jackson’s, which has recently closed it’s Granville St. location has been one of Vancouver’s top butchers for almost a century.

I walked by this morning and tried to peek through the paper covered windows but couldn’t see anything happening inside. It would be a great addition to  have an old favourite back in the neighbourhood.  Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

Photo: Al at Jackson’s Meats in 1973 by Nina Raginsky

Last modified: April 6, 2009

5 Responses to " Is Jackson’s Meats Returning to West 4th? "

  1. Vanguy says:

    Hope so! That would be great for the community.
    Contrary to popular belief, West 4th has many long-time, grass roots, mom & pop stores.
    If you walk the north and south sides from Burrard to Balsam and back, the history is amazing.
    Comicshop, Zulu, YVS, Prints Charming, Sophie’s, Las Margs, etc.
    Even newer places like the Does Your Mother Know? magazine store have a great vibe to them.

  2. My family and I are overwhelmed by the support of the community. The rumors are true, Jackson’s is re-opening in it’s original location which was opened by my Great Grandfather in 1911. Myself and my wife Shayna Jackson have taken on the exciting challenge of carrying on the family name. We look forward to once again serving the Kitsilano community very soon. Thank you for your postings, if you have any Jackson’s stories or memories we would love to here them.
    FYI, the late Al Crompton (long-time Jackson’s employee) is shown in the above photo.

  3. Teresa says:

    That’s great!!! I saw the Jackson’s sign recently and was very excited. I’ll tell all my foodie friends.

  4. David says:

    To Christopher Jackson – I’m wondering if there’s a way for me to get in touch? I am working with a group of community stakeholders in the Downtown Eastside at bringing back the meat counter at Save On Meats. It would be great to get your perspective on things.

    t: (778) 889-9981