Best Neighbourhood and Then Some


It’s that time of year again: the Georgia Straight‘s Best of Vancouver 2008.

For the umpteenth time in a row, Kitsilano received the Best Vancouver Neighbourhood accolade. Sure, this probably says more about Georgia Straight readers, but it’s nice to see us come out on top.

After the jump you can find a list of all the Kitsilano 2008 Readers’ Choice winners.

I’ve only listed “pure” Kitsilano winners; so only places within our boundaries, no chains, and no places that have more than one location (except if they are all in Kits).

So, lots and lots of winners, but that is of course to be expected in a winning neighbourhood (and the vast number of categories may have helped a little too…). One area that Kits seems to do particularly well in, health and wellness. Quelle surprise.

Last modified: September 21, 2008

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